Sunday, August 1, 2010

I guess I WILL do that

I spent 50 minutes of my life waiting for these cupcakes. They were yummy, but I will never wait more than 5 minutes for cupcakes again. It was a bit neat to eat a DC cupcake while watching DC Cupcakes on TV, however.

Still not worth the wait.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I will do anything for a cupcake, but I won't do that

Against my better judgment, today I left my cool and comfy house to walk for about an hour in the sweltering heat. To what important matter was I tending? Visiting my dying grandmother? No, my grandma is alive and well in Buffalo. Saving children from a burning school house? No, it's Sunday, silly.

I risked losing my life--death by melting--to get a free cupcake. For months, I've had in my possession a coupon for Georgetown Cupcakes, which has gathered new fame and popularity with its creatively named reality show, DC Cupcakes. (I've watched a couple minutes of the show. It was boring and the dialogue seemed strangely rehearsed.)

OK, I also went to the bank and planned to do some shopping, so the cupcake wasn't the sole purpose of the outing. Good thing, because the line was insanely long. I happened to have my camera, so I took a picture like a creeper. Good cupcakes can be had elsewhere with no wait, so I did not spend my time in the 75 person line. I will try again on a weekday. Or during a snowstorm.

P.S. I did, however, receive a free bottle of Gatorade, which they seem to be giving out every time I'm in the area. Georgetown is so weirdo.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I'm writing something only because I haven't posted in a while. This is a guilt-only post.

Now I feel better.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Because I don't have a category for ice cream eating, I will honor it with its own post. Today I went for the first ice cream of the season at U Scream for Ice Scream. This statement isn't entirely accurate, because I eat ice cream all year long, as every reasonable being with taste buds should. And a friend and I tried to go out for celebratory ice cream a few weeks back (he got a raise, as if we needed a reason) at ACKC, but their ice cream maker was broken or something. But this felt like the first official ice cream of 2010. For the first time in my life I had red velvet ice cream. Mixed in some M&M's. It was no Dave & Andy's (oh, how I miss thee), but it hit the spot.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cherry Blossoms in my city! And on my nails?

I could write about the DC Cherry Blossom and Kite Festivals I enjoyed this weekend. I could even post pictures from them. But why would I, when my festival buddy Kristine already did?

For the official write-up and brilliant photos to match, please view her blog here.

In other Cherry Blossom news, last weekend I discovered that OPI makes a nail polish in the shade DC Cherry Blossom. In the same OPI color collection, there's also Copper Mountain Copper (Copper Mountain is where I spent my first year in Denver learning to snowboard) and Florentine Fuchsia (Florence is the city I studied abroad in and am most in love with of all world cities), so selecting the DC shade as my nail polish above the others was a difficult choice. Yet I intend to purchase a bottle and make this my signature color, no matter what it looks like on me. Unless, of course, I find out they make a Buffalo Chicken Wing Sauce shade.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Make Room for the Room

Due to my blogging frequency, it should be clear that I only take the time to write about things worth writing about. Heck, I don't even take the time to do that. If I'm posting, something monumental has happened, prompting to me share it with the world. (At this point only 2 people know about my blog, so my world is small but still.)

This weekend I ventured out into the night and into the cold to see a midnight showing of the movie The Room. I didn't know anything about it, other than a few tidbits I read online saying things like, "unnatural dialogue by someone who has no grasp of the English language but the funniest movie I've ever seen" and some other unfavorable, favorable reviews.

The last and only other time I've viewed a movie starting at midnight was 2001: A Space Odyssey, which I drifted in and out of, yet still managed to be freaked out by the evil computer. I have also recently gotten into the habit of falling asleep at movies I see in the theater, even if it's no where near midnight. It's an expensive nap, but I can't help it. Darkness + no attention span = sleepy time. So I had little faith I would stay awake for this mystery movie, even with the cappuccino I downed at 11:45 p.m.


I have never felt more awake or move alive than during this movie. It is a TERRIBLE movie. The acting, the lines, the plot, the characters, the setting, the camera work, the wardrobe, the lighting are atrocious. I don't know how it happens, but all of the poorly done parts of the movie add up to be a hilarious hour and 39 minutes. The movie is not trying to be funny. It is trying to a serious drama about...well, I'm not too sure. The director later tried to play it off as a dark comedy, but there is no chance that is what he intended. The actors have said in interviews that the dark comedy claim is bull, but we didn't need their confirmation to know that. It's a doozy of a movie.

Because I knew I'd never be able to convey how entertaining this movie was for me, I went online to find some clips. But it was too tough to pick a scene, because they are all equally, wonderfully awful in their own way. So you'll just have to see the movie yourself. Be sure to bring a plastic spoon: "During the movie, audience members shout out their own commentary about the dialogue, the sets -- and notably, the framed photograph of a spoon that inexplicably reappears. Each time this happens, plastic spoons are thrown at the screen." (NPR)

Fact: My movie companion and I were misinformed and brought forks.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Zoobilee Zoo

My weekend ended with bestiality. Or zoophilia. Are they the same thing? I'm not sure, which is where I think the documentary Zoo failed. Failed to meet my documentary needs, anyway. The movie tells the story of a group of people who, through the powers that be on the Internet, get together to occasionally get it on with farm animals. Unfortunately, a high-profile (high-ranking Boeing employee) horse lover dies from internal bleeding after a night of animal relations goes wrong.

The movie was interesting enough, I particularly liked a point of view provided by a horse advocate, but it didn't give me much insight into this world of unconventional attraction. It was more of a long, slow news story than a detailed look into a people and passion I (still) know nothing about. Much more could have been explored: How common is zoophilia? Are some animals more popular than others? More prevalent in men or women?

Maybe I'm a weirdo for wanting to know this stuff, but when I watch a documentary, I want to learn more than I could find on my own by browsing the Internet.

Final thought: I wonder how long it will be before I get fired, considering I wrote this at work and googled "zoophilia" while doing so.